For game-related news, see my Twitter or Analgesic's homepage. I have a hard time keeping this site updated, but in April 2022 I released a new game, Sephonie. In 2019 I moved to Tokyo after releasing Anodyne 2.

I write on my blog - see the link to the right!

Hi, this is Melos Han-Tani's (he/him) webpage. Formerly Sean Hogan (of Dingeman Elementary/San Diego/Vernon Hills/Chicago/UChicago/University of Chicago (BS Computer Science 2013) - if we knew each other a long time ago feel free to reach out, I'd love to catch up!). I primarily make games and music, but also enjoy writing essays and fiction.

Check out my 2018, IGF-nominated, free, lo-fi PS1-y 3D game about race, All Our Asias! Or get it on Steam. Be sure to buy the Fan Pack!(Steam / For $4.99, you get the OST, as well as a large e-artbook containing commentary on the game's visuals, music, and more.

From Fall 2016 to Spring 2019, I was a Lecturer at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. I designed the materials for and taught the Experimental Game Lab class in F16, S17, F17, S18, and S19, and designed and taught the Video Game Music Composition class in F18 and F17. If curious you can contact me to see these notes.

Contact me on Twitter or .